Day 15: Put your iPod on shuffle:First 10songs that play

Day 15: Put your iPod on shuffle:First 10songs that play


lets rock my blog*-*
shuffling the mp3.

reach the maximum sound.

dancing in the raining.

1st song:
saat menyebalkan:tipe-x

2nd song:
mimpi:gerhana ska cinta

3rd song:
permintaan indah:fiqNcockroaches

4th song:
as long as u love me:bsb

5th song:
pelangi petang:sudirman

6th song:
tolong ingatkan aku:ana raffali

7th song:
sungai lui:aizat

8th song:
150juta:fynn jamal

9th song:
tanya pada siapa:angelika

10th song:
through my window:bunkface

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