Happy 12th years-old Ashrulnizam!

Happy 12th years-old Ashrulnizam!


3rd October 2011.My younger brother oredi turn 12.As he just finished his UPSR 3weeks ago.
What do you dont know about him?!...a lot *since I doesn't talk about him so much in my blog*.
My younger brother born on 3rd October 1999 at Hospital Kudat.But,after hours,he and my mothers transfered to Hospital Queen Elizabeth due to my mom condition which she's bleeding so much.So,we(me and my siblings) only see him few minutes before they got trasfered and back to our home a week after that.

Since I was not type of 'hostel people',I've been baby-sitting my brother.Even,he's got so many baby-sitter,I still have to get an eye on him!.Apek(the name we call him because he is the hardfan to Saiful Apek),start going to kindagarden since he was 5.After two years,he finally goes to secondary school at SK Pekan Kudat 2.

Apek's hobbies?!..I should say...BULLYing his siblings.yahhh,he always bully us.Ask us to do anything he cant,like....cooking,find his stuff,find his book,packing when back to village and so on.See,..he really a bully-boy!.hahahaha.Apek was addict to PS2.By the way,I proud of him,..he buy his PS2 by his money(duit raya lah!) when he was 9/10years old.Oooyea,,I dont know why his friend calling him 'Asui',cant they spell his name right.."Ashrulnizam",easy name right?!...some time I call him "Nizam".

As Apek is on Top10 student in his school,he was target to get 5As.I oredi promis him,to buy PSP if he got 5As....OMG,I should start collecting money right now,no more cinema,no more shopping,no more new dress,no more outing......arghhh*tension*

Something funny about him...He always easy to fall in love!.hahaha.When he was at kindagarden,he fall in love with a girl we call 'sepit-sepit",why do we call her like that?!.because the girl always have many 'sepit rambut' on her hair.Then,he was fall in love with his classmate!.again and over again.Unfortunately,everygirl he likes,will choose his friend to-be her boyfriend.Eh eh,they still under18 right?!.Why should they 'couple"?.

What I hate about him?!.hahahah,funny,I hate my own little brother!.Sure I hate him when he keep call my-ex BF name.."marwan marwan"..sighhh,I been break up with that man a long time ago!.I told him,'stop call his name again!'.He say,'yes' for awhile!Then,he start call 'my-abang-bf' name...*make me blushing bha*,call my-lovely-one's names in front of my parents?!.grrrr(>,<)"

as he was turning 12 oredi,I wish him 'happy birthday"..may ALLAH SWT will always bless him,successful in his life,be a good son,a good student,a good brother,a good uncle....dont act like 5years-old anymore.Hopefully,he can get good result in his UPSR.(amin).

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