Lets Help Rumah Aman via ChurpChurp earnings!

Lets Help Rumah Aman via ChurpChurp earnings!


Churp Churp together with Nuffnang & MilkADeal is going hand in hand to raise funds for Rumah Aman in the TLC Promise Me Season 2. Rumah Aman is a home to 30 unfortunate children and needs refurbishing of their electrical wiring work and lightning breaker system. The amount needed for this renovation work costs up to RM 20,000 and we are pledging to complete this wish of Rumah Aman by October 30th 2011. Read our blog post for more information.

Generous Churpers & Nuffnangers would be able to do their part in this by either donating just RM1 of their Churp Churp/Nuffnang earnings to the fund or purchase a much desired Churpie Plushie for just RM 25, where all proceeds will be channeled to the fund.

The Churp Churp & Nuffnang Malaysia community comprise of more than 300,000 social media influencers! Can you imagine the amount we are able to raise to help Rumah Aman with just a single dollar from each Churper & Nuffnanger? Besides that, this is also your chance to get hold of the popular Churpie Plushie while doing your part for charity.

The article are copying  from Churp Churp: TLC 2011.

So,if you're a churper,lets together Help Rumah Aman from your Churp Churp Earnings!.How you can do it?.Click this link:Churp Churp: TLC 2011.Then,you'll see a form,Donate from your Churp Churp Earnings.Just do the procedure state there.You will giving opinion how much you want to donating.The amount you want to donate will be taken from your Churp Churp Earnings.So,you'll save your daily pocket money and donate from the money from your churp churp account.Please do spread this news if you like it.I dont mind you want to copy my article..because,we're spreading the news.Helping is such nice thing.You'll be satisfied if you see another person happy thus will make you happy too.How much I donate?!.the amount is not an issue....its about how much 'they' will happy when everyone helping them to get better life.So,lets donate right now!!!

eh eh,you dont know what is the Churp Churp is?!.Read my article here.|Churp Churp|.and sign up via me by clicking here.|Sign Up for Churp Churp|.and would you mind to click my Churp Churp Advertisement:..

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eca cakap-cakap:.
tangan yang menghulur lebih besar nilainya!Sesuatu yang bernilai menanti kita di dunia sana.Di dunia kita,kita penat lelah mengumpul harta,kemewahan,kekayaan,nama,pangkat,darjat,...kita berlumba-lumba untuk menjadi nombor #1,menjadi yang gah dimata dunia,menjadi terkenal dikenali ramai,namun sedarkah kita semua itu akan kita tinggalkan apabila kita berhijrah ke dunia yang lagi satu.Apabila kita bahagia kerana kekayaan,sedangkan ada yang menderita.Apabila kita bahagia bersama yang tersayang,ada yang mengharap belas ihsan kita.Namun,apabila kita menghulur sedikit dari kemewahan,sedikit dari kasih sayang kita,nescaya kita akan LEBIH BAHAGIA.bukan setakat di dunia sahaja,malah di akhirat sana.Allahualam.

p/s:kadang-kadang saya jeles tengok kawan-kawan dah cashout earnings churpchurp mahupun nuffnang,tapi saya tahu rezeki saya akan tiba suatu hari nanti.Ingat nak simpan earnings churpchurp supaya boleh cashout akhir tahun ini.Tapi,bila nampak peluang sebegini,tak salah saya dahulukan apa yang patut.Saya gembira dengan apa yang saya lakukan,kerana saya tahu akan ada insan yang bahagia menerima secebis pemberian saya ini.Walau tidak seberapa,tapi membantu!.

p/ss:..sorry la entry ne memang entry campur-campur bahasa!.Bukan meninggi diri saya boleh berbahasa Melayu dan English dengan baik,tapi mood menulis dalam dua bahasa...grrr.ASSIGNMENT Literature ini buat saya sakit kepala!.


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